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Kolapore wilderness trails

Parking lot issues - problems with snow removal

10 Jan 2022 5:55 PM | Anonymous

Just before Christmas, the farmer who has done snowblowing in our parking lots for several years advised the Association that he wouldn't be able to do it this winter because of the cost of liability insurance.  Since then the Association's Board has been looking for solutions.  We haven't found any long term solutions yet.  We obtained one quote but the price was unaffordable.  In the short term a Kolapore volunteer will be doing some plowing in the Kolapore parking lot on Grey Road 2.  We had been expecting to organize snow removal at the Metcalfe Rock parking lot on the 10th Line, but this is unlikely to happen.

The Association is continuing to look for snow removal services that we can afford in the longer term.  Any suggestions would be welcome.  Send them to    

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